Ages 7 to 13
In the Classroom

Sparking Academic Ambition (Ages 7 – 13)

Jump into a world of excitement, engagement and ambition!

Learning at The Prep sees pupils enthused in the subjects they encounter, developing into resilient, divergent and creative thinkers. Classes buzz with energy as pupils are active participants of hands-on learning each and every day! From Nursery School through to Year 8, our subject and age specialist teachers skilfully weave together learning experiences that are relevant, differentiated and make full use of our wonderful facilities and superb grounds, ensuring every pupil reaches their full potential. 

Whilst having huge amounts of fun, our expectations of all pupils, irrespective of ability or age, are high and we encourage all to relish challenge, not be afraid of things that are hard, and see learning from mistakes as a really positive part of their learning process. Building the confidence of each child, both in and out of the classroom, is a priority for us. This ensures they feel able to fully immerse themselves in their learning, pushing themselves out of their comfort zones, and optimising progress.


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Find out more about our unique curriculum here at The Prep by clicking on the options below.






Modern Foreign Languages




Design and Technology


Academically robust without undue pressure.

Good Schools Guide, 2023

Curriculum Guide, 2024-25

‘Take One…’ Project with The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

‘Take One…’ is just one example of the inspiring and engaging approach taken to learning. This collaborative project, run with the Ashmolean Museum Oxford, took place as part of our full remote learning programme – an example of our ‘above and beyond’ learning in action!

Enrichment workshops were offered by specialists at The Ashmolean, as well as Q&A sessions.  Pupils worked in their Houses to complete a wide range of cross-curricular activities that linked to their particular artefact, ranging from cookery, to research, to outdoor activities, to art. This was a true celebration of cross-curricular learning, curiosity, and creativity, and exactly the type of education we love to offer our pupils.

Outstanding facilities, spacious, well-equipped classrooms, state-of-the-art science, D&T and art rooms and bundles of co-curricular activities – it’s a pretty stunning list.

Talk Education, 2022

Outside of the Classroom


How we Care



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