Chandos House Ties
A huge congratulations to a number of Chandos pupils who were awarded with their full and half House ties last week.
At College, ties are an important recognition of achievements and commitment to various areas of College life. Pupils collect various ties during their time at College and wear them with pride.
House ties are awarded to pupils by HSMs for their dedication and work throughout their time in House. Points are given to pupils for their good effort in academic reports, participation in House competitions and House plays, helping with House activities and life in House.
This week Grace, Aemelia, Olivia, Raffaelle, Ibble and Robin (U6, Ch) were awarded Half Colours Chandos ties and Annaliese, Fionnuala and Poppy (U6, Ch) were awarded Full Colours. Congratulation to all of them on their achievements – it is clear that you have had a great impact on your House during your time here.