Feeder Prep School Events

Each year, our admissions team visit many Prep schools to meet face to face with prospective families and pupils.

Please see the schedule for our Feeder Prep Schools Events 2024-25 below.

For details on our international events, please visit: International Events

For details on upcoming Open Events, please visit: Open Events


Feeder Prep School Events 2024-25

  • 2024-25 Feeder Prep School Event Dates

2024-25 Feeder Prep School Event Dates

Location Date
Kitebrook Preparatory SchoolWednesday 18 September
St Hugh's Prep SchoolThursday 26 September
Beachborough Prep SchoolThursday 3 October
Beaudesert Park SchoolThursday 3 October
Hall Grove SchoolThursday 10 October
The Oratory SchoolTuesday 12 November

Open Events

Open Events

Academic Overview

Academic Overview

