Individual Music Lessons
If you would like to sign your child up to Music lessons, please complete and submit the individual music lessons form, which can be found here.
At Cheltenham College we offer one-to-one tuition for voice and orchestral/band instruments as well as music technology, composition and music theory. Our dedicated Music teachers work with the pupil to develop musical skills and a genuine passion for Music. In total, we have around 35 Music teachers, including our visiting tutors.
Across College there are 201 pupils that are learning an instrument, and 52 pupils who are learning more than one instrument! Resulting in an astonishing 7,270 Music lessons every year. We are proud to share that of our pupils entering instrumental exams, last year, 67% were awarded Distinction, and 73% of exams were at Grade 7 or 8.
To find out more about Music at Cheltenham College, please click here.
If you would like to watch performances by our Music department, please find the YouTube channel linked here.
Around half the pupils learn an instrument (including revered chapel organ), and there are two orchestras and masses of bands and ensembles. As it’s a Steinway school, you’re never far from a swanky piano.